For over 15 years, the Reverend Dr. Kendrick E. Curry has led the Pennsylvania Avenue Baptist Church (PABC) in Washington, DC to new heights by transforming the local neighborhood, the District of Columbia and the world through the love of Jesus Christ. As such, the church has a Kingdom-focused agenda with ministries addressing the spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical needs of people in DC and in Guyana, Italy, and Jamaica.
Pastor Curry values education, is a life-long learner, and has prepared himself for life and ministry. He earned a B.S. in Chemical Engineering from Prairie View A&M University in Texas and an M.S., and Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering from the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. He also subsequently earned a Master of Divinity from Virginia Union University in Richmond, and He has completed advanced studies at the Northern Theological Seminary near Chicago and Virginia Theological Seminary in Alexandria. Pastor Curry has completed Direct Action Organizing training through the Midwest Academy of Chicago.
Pastor Curry has a passion to transform challenged East of the River, Washington, DC community. As such, PABC has partnered with a mental health firm to deliver a day treatment program at PABC. Additionally, Pastor Curry serves on various boards and advocacy organizations including the AARP DC State (current President), DC Water and Sewer Authority, Education Forward DC, Stoddard Baptist Nursing Home, District of Columbia Baptist Foundation, the Repentance Project and DC Jobs with Justice to bring peace, justice, Godly righteousness, and compassion to humankind.
Pastor Curry is the happy husband of the Reverend Karen Whitney Curry and father to Keyona and Kendrick II.